So Jackson Danny Stott turned four on Saturday January 26th! He is growing up so fast! It seems like he was just is sneak peak back in time!
Jackson as a newborn
Jackson first birthday
Jackson 2nd birthday (take note of the lack of hair on his 2nd birthday)
Jackson 3rd Birthday
Jackson Celebrated his 4th birthday Saturday, here are some of the "good-times" during the big event!
Dan's older brother Jeremy and his wife Lora!
My brother Jeremy and his wife Kathie, and their son Hayden, (also pictured kathie holding my little man lando-commando)
Jackson blowing out his birthday candels, on the Scooby cake that took me hours (more than I thought) to make.
Jackson ended up getting three nerf dart guns, and I am not sure who had more fun with them, the kids....or their father! You be the judge!
Landon was just happy to chew on the darts that came his way!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Scooby, video games, and LOTS of pizza...ahhh the life of a brand new 4 year old boy!
Posted by Stott Family 5
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Either I really love Target....OR my kids are just the cutest ever!
Okay so I Know you are getting tired of pictures of my kids, however I just got new photo's done at the local Super-target...and I am in love! I have not yet had a bad picture it target??? Or are my kids just awesome??? I am going with the latter...Anyways check them out. Cute Stott kids take 1!
Posted by Stott Family 5
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Rules of the game
1. Rules of the game are posted at the beginning of post.
2. The player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves
3. At the end of the post the players then tags 6 other bloggers, and posts their names.
I am a big time finger-nail biter! I bite right down to the quick, and have upon many occasions really hurt my-self doing it! I do it 100% of the time unconsciously! I have gotten better, while in school, I would practically chew off my fingers during tests! I used to spend countless amounts of time and money, having beautiful artificial nails glued on to my sad excuses for nails, until I realized that I would on occasion chew those off too, and was wasting my money..they are not very compatible with kids either!
2. I have nicknames for everyone and everything! It all started when I was young, my parents had nicknames for us all..several of which I still am called on occasion. My favorite was Marie, for some strange reason, my dad called me Marie, almost my whole life, it's not even a middle name...My mom always called me Whiplash, (and still does) We have no idea where this came from or why it has stuck with me..In turn my kids have many a nickname..When Rachel was a baby we started calling her lovies, and she still answers to she got older, I started calling her love muffin, which turned in to love muff, which has since become muffy. Jackson we started calling JackJack (refer to previous post about this nickname) we still do! Jacksonion institute, Jacksonie-Bologna...Landon is now Lando-commando, Landoni-Bologna, Lands-of-love (my favorite) and my other favorite baby-Q. Danny almost 99% of the time at home I call him started out as tweety bird..and has been just plain old tweety, for about nine years now! My favorite nickname though is for my car...those of you who know me well, already know that my car has a name and we call her BETSY! I am very attached to my Betsy, and everyone knows I love her, even though I don't clean her out very often, and I sometimes have trouble parking her in tight spaces, she has a few bruises and dings on her front bumper..but she is a sexy beast! The first car I ever had I called the blue-light...she was a little K-mart-Esq. The next car was a very cute 2 door Honda Civic, which we called CIVie. Then we bought a Honda Accord, that I loved and called Gordon...which the kids called Gordie...I haven't thought up a name for Dan's Jeep yet, he doesn't love his cars like I do!
3. I was a PAINFULLY SHY kid and teenager! When I was young I would hide behind my mom and dad, whenever I had to be in a room full of people where inevitably I would have to be introduced to people. Even as a teenager, I dreaded starting a new school year, where I would have to go to a class full of people I didn't know and I would have to try and make new friends! I hated meeting new people, and was very set in my own comfort zone! It wasn't until my senior year in high-school, that I came out of my shell, and as Dan likes to say, you can't keep me quiet now! Now I enjoy meeting new people, and talking to everyone, and I would say that I probably have some of the best friends that I have ever had...score some for being an adult, it's awesome! I wouldn't say that I am shy anymore...
4. I absolutely LOVE peanut M&M's, I know that this may sound strange, but I would do allot...for a bag of peanut M&M's, and bribery will get you everywhere with me! I love all things with chocolate and nuts, my second favorite candy would be Hershey's Candy-bars with almonds (yummy)!
5. I Love all things from the 80's with a few exceptions...I love the music..duran duran, U2 (whom I still love) Oingo Boingo, Toad the Wet Sprocket, The Cure, and of course all things heavy metal, I still get down to alittle Welcome to the jungle every now and then, and Motley Crue's Patience, good times..I love the big huge earrings, (as you have seen them on my head) I love the headbands, and big hair, and pink lipstick! My hair would be back in style if we were still in the 80's..I love that everything was peach colored...I don't love the tapered pants (which are kind of in now) or the blue-eyeshadow..that's a little much, but everything else was purely awesome! I love the 80's movies too, and that they all starred Molly Ringwald..whatever happened to her?
6. I babysit my nephews 3 days a week... I think that most of you already know this, but for those of you who don't three days a week I am a crazy lady of 5 kids, running, screaming and destroying everything, they come near, and even on the days, that I want to implode, I still love it...I know that it sounds crazy, but it's so much fun for Jackson, he always has someone to play with, and therefor isn't trying so hard to play with Landon. Their names are Asher (4) almost five, and Ryder who is almost (3)..the beauty is that Asher will be in kindergarten next year, and Jacks will be in pre-school. My sis-in-law works three days a week and needed a babysitter, and I was home and wanted to earn some extra cash...which I spend heavily on clothing...which I love!
Well that's it, now you all know these silly facts about me, and are probably that much smarter for reading! I tag the Talbot's ( I know you are loving me right now) The Parkin's,the Weyert's,and the Emery's (Come on Heather because I know how much you love to blog...) Have fun!
Posted by Stott Family 5
Friday, January 11, 2008
Clones??? Triplets??? Or just plain Family???
When I first asked Jackson, who the pictures were of he pointed to Rachel, and said Rachel, and then told me the other two were both of Landon..and then he pointed to the one of himself eating cake and said "Wandon really likes chocolate cake silly-boy" Even Jackson thought they were both Landon!
I have been told quite a bit recently, how much my boys look alike! It would seem that everyone who lays eyes on Landon, can't help but comment on how much he looks like Jackson! I have thought that yes, they do look similar, but never have I been more convinced of this phenomenon then when I was going through old photo's of Jacks, and thinking that it could have been Landon! The first photo is of Rachel at one years old! The photo on the left is of Jackson at exactly one year old! The photo on the right is of Landon this morning! I was also taken aback, when looking at this photo of Rachel, it would appear, that we have just cloned Jackson, and Rachel and had a mix of both six years later! Does this mean, that when Landon turns three, I will have a little terror on my hands??? I don't know, Landon's personality seems to be following in line a little more with Rachel's. Don't get me wrong, he is truly an easy baby, as was Jackson, but he is a little more stubborn than Jackson was at this in point, when taking away (hypothetically) lets say the remote, he has a little bit of a hissy fit, whereas JackJack at this age was incredibly laid back, and just sat and watched, and cared nothing about the fact that Rachel was taking everything and anything away! Jackson however in turn has become quite a naughty three year-old, just testing exactly how much patience mom has and how much he can push her until her head might just possibly explode! Ever since Jackson was about 6 months old we coined the term JackJack, and have pretty much called him that ever since! When he was two and we moved into our new ward, the nursery leader asked him "what's your name" he immediately replied JackJack! We always thought he kind of looked like JackJack from the incredibles, minus the craziness! The craziness came out in him when he turned three! He truly is JackJack, without the levitation, but the fireball is definitely his personality! This is Rachel, and Landon a couple of days ago!
Rachel was a rather easy three-year, and has been pretty content on just being incredibly stubborn (I wonder where she gets this???) and somewhat emotionally charged, she has learned not to push mommy, as she does not want to see mommy's head explode, and she has compassion on me, because she knows exactly what Jackson is capable of on a daily basis! I will say that I think she has mastered the selective hearing quite well lately... "Rachel clean your room!" Two hours later "Rachel why is your room not clean?" "I don't know"...what is this response??You cannot tell me that this picture of Jackson at 10 months does not look exactly like Landon right now!
You can expect for baby number 4 (disclaimer: I am NOT pregnant) to probably look like the rest of the stott babies! Which I might add is SUPER Cute! Since it would seem that we tend to be clonies at our house, but maybe you don't think so...
Or could it possibly be, that I have three clones, I just had one be a little girly, and at least have the dark features, that I have always dreamed of, and completely fell in love with on my husband! The three of them are definitely little look alikes, but their personalities are completely different, and I love everything about each one of them, even when I feel my head exploding!
Posted by Stott Family 5
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
It's all fun and games until Jackson gets hurt!
So it's another year, and we thought what a better way to spend the New Year, than taking our kids sledding! We have not yet been this year, and the weather was beautiful, so why not (despite the fact that it was only 17 degrees outside when we left). The kids were having a blast, and I must say so was their father, as evidenced in the following photo's.
There mother was kind of a wimp!!! I don't love the cold weather anymore, and since snow skiing now costs an arm and a leg, I don't have any of the right gear anymore!
The kids were having an absolute blast, and Rachel was quite fond of going down by herself, on the saucer-like sled (she has a real independant streak) and Danny was taking Jackson down in his sled, and getting some real speed too. The hill we were on is quite speedy, but the bottom of it is kind of like a bowl, so Rachel would be flying and then go half-way up the other side of the bowl, and slide back down, totally safe Right? We thought that they were doing so well, that we would send them down together on one sled! Apparently we haven't taught Rachel how to lean properly, and half way down they started to tip, but they were still going pretty fast, well...they tipped over going too fast, and Rachel landed on top of Jackson, and yet they were still sliding...on the bonus side, I've never seen Dan run so fast in my life...half way down he slipped and fell, I've also never seen him get up so ya babe! Here are the results of Jackson's body slam to his face! It's looking better today!
The funny thing is, that when we got them back to the top of the hill, they were both sobbing, and Jackson had a bloody nose, and we had been there for an hour, so we thought we'll just call it a day. They bawled more just because we had to go home! They wanted to continue sledding post injuries and all! I never said they were wimpy! Here is Rachel after we got home, still moping because we had to leave!
At least Landon was all happy, and cozy, and unharmed!
Happy New Year!
Posted by Stott Family 5