Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Time

We had a wonderful Easter this year..the kids were spoiled (yet again) by the elusive easter bunny! Our good friends had us and some of the other neighbors over for Easter breakfast (which was fabulous I might add) They managed to feed 10 adults, and probably twenty kids, and their house was still mostly intact by the time we left! They also hooked us on this game called eggstravaganza...(did you catch the pun?) It was funny, and even though I didn't win (I'm pretty sure the egg in question was rigged somehow) it was quite hilarious to watch, the winner however will be rewarded next year with this awesome trophy...

Jen Hoover...(whose egg was rigged...) Won this year, but watch out everybody, next year, I will have won the trophy! Here are some more pictures of the event!

Basically you bang the ends of two eggs together and whosever cracks is the loser...I know this game is very strategic!
I'm sorry I forgot to get pictures of them in their Easter attire, so I will post them as soon as I get them all dressed up in their outfits again, be prepared cute pictures coming soon...Here are all of the kids after they smashed their eggs together, by the way Rachel, won out of all of the kids, that's my girl!

Hope everybody had a great Easter, and stay tuned for more cute pictures of the kids in Easter attire, and from my mom's only was entertaining and somewhat relaxing!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The husband tag..

What is his name? Danny William Stott
How long have we been married? 10 years!!! Yes I am getting old!
How old is he? 31
Who eats more? He does...but I am practicing to get on the next biggest loser, so I think that soon, I will be able to out-eat him by a mile!
Who said I love you first? He did..but his friend had already told me before, so I was expecting it
Who is taller? he is by 11 inches, I could wear 10 inch heals, and not even come close!
Who sings better? He does, by a long shot, but he will never sing in the choir, so don't even ask!
Who is smarter? I think that we are pretty evenly matched here, he is definatley better at math, and science, but I have him schooled in English and history (unless of course it has to do with WWII he knows everything about this, and has seen every movie)
Whose temper is worse? I think we are both a little short-fused, but he does well when I am having a bad day, and vice-versa.
Who pays the bills? We do it together, he likes to know where the money goes, and I like him to know where the money goes!
Who does the laundry? I do, but when I am slacking he pitches in.
Who cooks dinner? I do mostly, but he does whenever I don't feel like it, and he enjoys it!
Who drives when together? He does mostly unless, I am already in the car and picking him up, but I prefer it when he drives, I hate driving at night!
Who is more stubborn? It is defintaley me for sure, he is the most un-stubborn person on the planet! I am probably one of the most stubborn
Who is the first to admit when wrong? Dan, again I am incredibly stubborn, and will spend hours proving my point, even when I know that I am probably wrong, and it annoys me when he gives in to fast, because I want to explain to him all of the reasons that I am right!
Who's parents do you see more often? Probably mine, because they live so close, and my dad comes over at least once a week to borrow our wheelbarrow!
Who has more friends? I would say we have a tie... he makes friends very easily and all of the people that I get along with he gets along with too! He is so easy going!
Who wears the pants in the family? I do, and he will definatly admit it...he always tells people that he has to ask the boss, before he can commit to anthing!
Who eats more sweets? Me, by a long shot...he is not much of a sweet eating person, he likes salty snacks, and I will eat anything chocolate!
Guilty pleasures? He loves to fly remote control airplanes with his brothers...I know kind of geeky, but he loves it and I love him!
Who mows the lawn? I do and I love it, so he lets me!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, and always will!
Who kissed who first? He did!
Who asked who out first? He did
Who proposed? He did, but I knew that it was coming, because we had already talked about it, and I picked out my ring...he was very romantic about it though, and we had only been dating about 2 weeks, from the time of our first date, to the day we were married it was 5 months!
What is my favorite thing about him? Everything, he is so good to me, he is a great dad, he tells me he loves me 200 times a day, and he tells me I am beautiful, at least twice a day, he never lets me put myself down, and never ever talks about my weight, and trust me I was way thinner when we got married! I trust him completely, he works hard, and I love his broad shoulders and he makes me feel safe (not very many people would mess with him though) He makes me feel loved, and important, and he tells me everyday that my job is hard, and he thanks me for being a mom/wife/best friend almost everyday! He never undervalues me, I love him..he is my perfect match!

I tag anyone who has not done this and would like too!