Sunday, July 13, 2008


This picuture pretty much sums up the awesome trip that we had!
We were lucky enough to stay right on the beach, in an awesome beach house with my entire family, who are awesome by the way! We had a blast the kids had a blast playing with their cousins, and it was absolutley beautiful.

We had s'mores and a fire on the beach...the only problem with cooking on the beach is that no matter what you do...everything tastes a little sandy! Hey we were on the beach though who cares!

The mom, me and my sis-in-laws Kathie, Tammy, and Andrea.

Disneyland...I love this place, even when it's 90 degrees, and a million people...we still had the best time!

The last picture is of Dan and his friend from work Cory!

Lego-land it was very cool, however I wouldn't ever spend that much money again there!

Sea world, and all I could think about was how much Carter Jenkins would love this place...I love this place!

The kids are petting the sting rays...they were very slimy, and then someone told us that they are covered in mucas...awesome!

Feeding the dolphins...and petting the dolphins


Landon did a lot of stroller sleeping on this trip he was a sport!

Journey to atlantis was totally wicked and awesome and we had to ride it 5 times and the line was not that short! However after being in the front, I was wet enough that I might as well have jumped in the lake.

The penguin children!
We had a great trip...thanks to my mom and dad for being the wonderful generous awesome people that they are, and providing us with such a great experience, and for my family for making such a trip, so much fun, and easy to be together!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Okay, so I read the Twighlight series last fall, and I will admit, I loved them. I couldn't put them down. It took me 5 days to read all three of them, and my children and my house suffered! I heard the new installment in the series is coming out next month, and a friend mentioned that she re-read them and that they were even better the second time around. I never-ever-ever re-read books, once I have read it I am done, but I was a little bored one day, while my kids were swimming, and I thought to myself, why not! So I picked the first book up, and again I have been mesmerized by them! They are trully better the second time around. I read them a little slower this time, and tried to soak up everything, I love Edward, I can see this time around though why people might think him a little creepy! I still love him though, and probably even more so now! I can't wait for the newest book now, and the I watched the movie trailer this week (I've become a little obsessed-those of you who know me will understand) It looks really good however I don't love the guy they chose as my Edward...If I were to get to choose it would be this guy....

Anyway...who is up for the midnight showing on Dec. 8th???

Monday, July 7, 2008

I have so much to catch up on...starting with my Rachels 7th birthday!

Rachel Ann turned 7 years old on June 6th, she had a big party that was kind of like a marathon party, and was sick for most of it! She woke up in the morning with a new zest for life and huge excitement to ride her brand (spankin) new Bratz bike. She rode it all morning, and then had to weat the new Heely's that Grandma got her for her birthday to Walmart and various other places! When it came time for her friends to come over she was all giddy, but things went down-hill afer that!

We first went to Classic fun Center, because it was raining and to cold to have the swimming party that was orignally planned. We were all having a good time for about the first hour and then there was this...

Her friends were running around and having a great time, while Rachel laid on the floor...not sure if that made her more sick or not...I imagine there are some seriously grody germs in there! At least she has great friends they kept coming over and trying to make her feel better. At this point I am thinking let's cancel the rest of the party plans and put you in bed, but of course there was no way she was going to do that and so she tried to put on a happy face, and on with the party.

We got home and had pizza, cake, presents, S'mores and the big outdoor movie tent party, before I took everyone home at nine! Does this look like someone who feels great?

Hey at least her friends had a good time right! Stay tuned I have pictures of the our awesome Cali trip coming up in the next six or months or so, at the rate that I am going!