Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's offical....Landon is growing up too fast!

Landon has been crawling now for a couple of weeks..and just the other day, I went into his room and found this....
My baby is pulling himself up and standing next to know this can only lead to one thing...WALKING! I know that I am being a little over dramatic, but it's going by too fast! He is so busy, and he is destroying my plants now that he can get to them! I have all of these new things to worry about now, like for example did you know that barbie stuff has like a zillion different little choking hazards, and Rachel, cannot seem to get them all and put them away? Heaven forbid that the Barbie doesn't have her shoes on...and then they get lost and guess who finds them? I do...inside Landons mouth! Oh well, I guess that I will just have to keep my house cleaner, and vacuumed more often! Gotta Love it!


Sarah said...

That's awesome! It's never fun when you can no longer let them entertain themselves, but how fun that he is growing up! I love every new stage.

Brett and Michelle said...

I can't believe that he is pulling himself up! He is growing so fast. He is such an adorable little boy and I love watching him and Jackson. So Fun! Now that he is older though I know you miss the baby stage so you need to get going on another one=)

Kimberly said...

Wow, he has grown up so fast. It seems like you just had him a couple months ago. I have to agree with Michelle, now that Landon is so grown up it's time for another one.

Jenn J. said...

Ok, could that picture be any cuter?? I love that Lando Commando. I can't believe he's standing up. He's going to take off one of these days! Will we really have THREE mobile kids to keep track of at the park this summer? :)
Way to go, Landon. You keep working out buddy. You'll be a professional walker in no time!

PS. I think we have the same crib.

Anonymous said...

I can't beleive it! I feel like he was born only a few months ago! Time goes by way too fast! That's such a sweet little picture. He has a cute little smile.