Monday, May 5, 2008

Rachel is the newest member of team Fuzion!

Rachel tried out on Saturday for the competition tumbling team called Fuzion! She has been taking tumbling from Clays Tumbling here in Kaysville for about 9 months now! I can't say enough good things about them! They are the best!!! They told me that Rachel should try out for their competition team and so she did and she made it! Some of the things that she had to be able to do are: 10 standing back-hand springs..a standing back-tuck (back-flip)...and a whip (roundoff-backhandspring-backflip)! It was awesome, you should have seen what some of these older girls can was alot of fun to watch and imagine how good she'll be in the coming years...If she stays with it! She is also the very youngest girl on the team! I have to brag a little...she's got skills, and she doesn't get them from her father! Maybe her Grandpa Stott though he was a gymnast, I like to think she got some of it from me too! Here is some footage of her doing some of her skills in the backyard! It should also be said, that she has no fear...and that kind of makes me a little nervous! Enjoy!


Sarah said...

Whoa! I am SO impressed! Way to go, Rachel!!! That is so cool. It is so great when kids have something they can excel at! I love it. I hope she sticks with it, watch out Olympics!

Jessica said...

Holy COW!!! That is amazing! And she makes it look so easy!

Parkin Family said...

I just have to ask...Did she make that last back flip?
That is amazing! She looks way too small to be able to do things like that.

Jenn J. said...

Wow, I'm still amazed at how flippy she is. She's like tigger. Congratulations on making the team, Rachel! She is too little to be that good! When she travels to London for the 2012 Olympics, can I please come??

Stott Family 5 said...

She landed on her knee's in that last back-flip that she attempted, that ground is not quite as forgiving as the mats that she practices on, but still I can barely do that on a trampoline!

Terry Family said...

Wow!! I wish I could do that...maybe I'll attempt a cartwheel sometime.

Bangerter family said...

Thats really awesome! She is really good! Sage would never do that she is much to afraid!

Kysha said...

She is very good for her age! Seriously, I'm impressed.

Parkin Family said...

Hey, are you still alive Heidi?
I have been going through with-drawls (sp?). Why don't you up date us on what you have been up to...or I guess I could just stop being lazy and call you or go see you. Anyway, I have been thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

That's incredible! She's so little! I'm very impressed. I couldn't do that until 8th grade. Go Rachel! Heidi, you definitely have bragging rights!